UNI CEI 11352 certification: what is it and why it is important to rely on certified partners for the development of energy efficiency plans

What is the UNI CEI 11352 standard?

The Legislative Decree no. 115 of 30 May 2008, "Implementation of Directive 2006/32/EC on energy end-use efficiency and energy services and repeal of Directive 93/76/EEC", introduced with article 16 the concept of voluntary certification of ESCos.

As a result of this Legislative Decree, in 2014, the UNI CEI 11352 "Energy Management - Companies providing energy services (ESCo) - General requirements and checklist for verification of requirements" was issued. The norm is a technical standard that defines the conditions for companies providing energy services to be classified as ESCo (Energy Service Company).

In particular, the UNI CEI 11352 standard defines the capabilities that an ESCo must possess (organizational, diagnostic, design, management, economic and financial capabilities) and the minimum requirements for energy efficiency services offered. Also, the law provides the checklist of ESCO's skills and guidelines that should help customers in choosing the ESCo and services offered.

The advantages of UNI CEI 11352 certification and the procedure for obtaining it

Obtaining UNI CEI 11352 certification brings ESCos numerous advantages, such as the possibility of participating in tenders that require such certification, the chance of proposing contracts to guarantee results, up to the possibility to access facilities, financing and new forms of credit.

The certification process of an ESCo, as defined by UNI CEI 11352, is divided into three phases.

In the certification step, an assessment of the level of conformity of the company concerning the minimum requirements imposed by law is carried out; this phase ends with the issue or refusal of the certificate. Once the certification is issued, the ESCos are subjected to annual checks to verify compliance with the standard, the maintenance of the management system and the actual improvement compared to the previous control; the system provides for random checks at sites subject to energy efficiency measures. The final phase is related to the renewal of the certification and occurs every three years.

Why it is important to turn to certified partners for the development of energy efficiency plans

The choice of partner to rely on to implement energy efficiency plans in its industrial plant mustn't be taken lightly and having the certainty that the selected ESCo is certified UNI CEI 11352 provides a significant guarantee in terms of quality and expertise. To turn to an ESCo certified UNI CEI 11352 means to rely on a company that not only guarantees the highest possible energy efficiency to customers but also on a business committed to the continuous development of new solutions for the improvement of the energy management of controlled plants.

Besides, ESCos that have obtained UNI CEI 11352 certification can carry out energy audits, can access the system of White Certificates and Energy Efficiency Certificates and ensure a high degree of organization as they work according to the guidelines established by ISO 9001.

The collaboration with a certified ESCo also brings economic benefits, as it is possible to access particular forms of payment such as the EPC or Energy Performance Contract.

Renovis Rational Energy Solutions is an ESCo certified UNI CEI 11352, specialized in the design and implementation of solutions for the improvement of industrial energy efficiency. The company's team is composed of engineers and specialized technicians, who work together to create cutting-edge solutions that allow all types of companies to optimize energy consumption and comply with the rules defined by the European Union for the achievement of the objectives of the Climate and Energy Package 20/20/20.

For more information on the development of a tailor-made industrial energy efficiency plan, please contact us
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