Energy audit: mandatory renewal for energy-intensive companies in 2019

Energy diagnosis

The term energy audit refers to a systematic, documented and periodic evaluation of the energy efficiency of a building. The energy audit is the initial step for all those organizations that want to certify their energy management system according to UNI CEI EN ISO 50001:2018, the official Italian version of the recently updated international standard ISO 50001, which specifies the requirements to create, start, maintain and improve the energy management system.

In support of the legislation, starting in 2012, the European Parliament and the Council created a series of directives aimed at achieving a common goal for all EU countries: an increase in the energy efficiency of 20% by 2020, for all those organizations operating in the transport, construction, products and production fields.

Through Legislative Decree 102/14 and subsequent amendments (decree transposing Directive 2012/27/EU, later amended by Directive 2018/844), Italy has undertaken the requests of the EU and sat in motion mechanisms and activities that lead to the achievement of the objectives set.

Who has to do an energy audit

According to the provisions of Legislative Decree 102/14, the subjects that must undergo an energy audit are large companies and energy-intensive companies, i.e. all those companies with more than 250 employees that have a turnover of more than 50 million euros or an annual balance sheet total of more than 43 million, and those companies included in the annual list established at the Cassa per i servizi energetico e ambientale (CSEA).

These companies are required to carry out the energy analysis every four years, starting from December 5 2015, the last date for drawing up the first energy audit. This obligation does not apply to large companies and energy-intensive businesses that have adopted management systems that comply with EMAS and ISO 50001 or EN ISO 14001 standards, provided that the management system in question includes an energy audit.

Public Administrations are not obliged to submit documentation.

The results of energy audits must be communicated through the Audit102 portal to ENEA, the National Agency for Energy Efficiency that operates through the Department of Energy Efficiency Unit (DEEU).

Who to contact for an energy diagnosis of a plant

According to paragraph 2 of Article 8 of Legislative Decree 102/14, as of July 19 2016, the diagnoses must be carried out by energy service companies (ESCOs), energy management experts (EGEs) or energy auditors certified by accredited bodies (SGEs).

In particular, subjects can be defined as follows:
  • ESCo: a company that operates to improve the energy efficiency of its customers by taking on investment risks and charges;
  • EGE: an entity with the knowledge, experience and skills necessary to manage energy use efficiently, which has been certified according to UNI CEI 11339:2009;
  • Energy Auditor: a person who has obtained the certification to carry out energy audits as specified in UNI CEI EN 16247-5.
Both public and private companies and organizations that decide to become part of the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) must contact Ispra (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale) to carry out their energy audits.

Deadlines for the new energy audit

According to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 102/14, the energy audit must be carried out by December 5 of the n-th year, with a four-year deadline. All companies and organizations that have sent an energy audit before December 5, 2015, must calculate the deadline by referring to the date on which they performed the diagnosis valid for fulfilling the obligation.

December 5, 2019, is an important date for all large and energy-intensive companies as it is the deadline for carrying out the analysis. The results of the evaluation should be submitted to ENEA by December 22, 2019, at the latest. The legal representative of the company must send the communication of the results of the diagnosis.

Energy Diagnosis should not be taken by companies as an obligatory fulfilment for its own sake. On the contrary, they should be seen as an opportunity to carefully analyze and evaluate the energy performance of their activities and to understand the best (technological) interventions that should be carried out to increase the efficiency of production processes.

Renovis Rational Energy Solutions collaborates with selected partners that carry out energy diagnoses and offers its expertise on the subject to propose innovative ideas for the rationalization and optimization of the energy consumption of production plants of different industrial sectors.

For more information about our proposals, please contact us
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